The first of many other letters sent by Sant'Annibale Di Francia to Don Luigi Orione.
It was the events of the 1908 earthquake that linked the holy friendship between the two Servants of God beyond death.
« Long live the Beloved Jesus of our hearts. Reverend Father, and dearest Brother,
Through the Most Excellent Monsignor Archbishop of Noto, [Giovanni] Blandini, I learned how VR, being still young, consecrated himself entirely, body and soul, mind and heart, to the service of the sweetest Lord Jesus Christ, ardently zealous for eternal health life of souls which are the most precious pearls that Jesus purchased with the inestimable price of his most merciful Blood!
Oh how much this news flooded my rejected soul with intimate, profound and immense joy! Since that day, I have not unworthily ceased to have her present every day in my weak, useless (sic) and petty prayers, asking the Most Beloved Lord to always want to light her up with the inextinguishable flames of his Love and his zeal, and to always give her more energy, vigor, ardor, fervor, strength, courage, and virtue, and constancy, to toil in the mystical Vineyard, where the workers are so scarce!…
Now I would be very happy, my dear brother, if you would send me a valuable letter of yours, and let me know if and when you will pass through Messina, because I would like to see you in person, and hug you and kiss you in Christ Jesus, Beloved of our hearts.
Since every day with the greatest possible fervor I speak about you with my Supreme Lord and Eternal Good, so too I pray that you will recommend me to the most compassionate bowels of the charity of the Most Loving Heart of Jesus, while kissing and kissing again your sacred hands that open to charity, mercy and the relief and salvation of children and many souls, I very humbly declare:
Messina on 18 July 1900
His useless lowest servant
Canon Annibale M. Di Francia »
In a corrupt and lost society, returned apart by wars that starve and rob affections, amputating the limbs of the body and the wings of the soul, we all abandon ourselves in the safe arms of Saints capable of bringing the divine into the human with that simplicity that it feeds itself with the desire to place itself at the service of all, among whom to find the " new pulpits ", the need and suffering, " beacons of faith and civilization ".
What unites Saint Hannibal and Don Orione?
We find the answer in the words of Don Orione:
« There is a supreme need and a supreme remedy to heal the wounds of this poor homeland, so beautiful and so unhappy! Take possession of the hearts and affection of the people and enlighten the youth: and spread in everyone the great idea of Catholic redemption with the Pope and for the Pope. Souls! Souls! ».
They are Sons of Divine Providence working with missionary zeal on the path of charity.
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