Thursday, 2nd Week

I Sm 18:6-9; 19: 1-7. Ps 56: 2-3, 9-10c-11, 12-13.
Mk 3: 7-12.
Theme: “You are the Son of God.”


Today gospel focuses on the ministry of Jesus. Jesus wants to withdraw from the crowd. Crowd is approaching Jesus from the different place. They come from Judea, Jerusalem, Galilee, Idumea, beyond Jordon, around Sidon and Tyre. This crown is about to crush him since they were multitude. Even the unclean spirits fell and said: “you are the son of God.”

 It shows how effective ministry of Jesus was. Ministry of Jesus has left an impact on the lives of the people. It is normal to see people following the master when he is effective in the ministry. What is interesting is to see that even the unclean spirit acknowledge the effect of His Ministry. When all of baptized in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. We received our mission. That mission is to bear witness to the Jesus. When we put Jesus in our lives and His values becomes our part of life. We become ourselves “mission.” This mission is need to be shared with people around us. We can only fulfill this mission through love. Love is to give ourselves to others in service. We do service towards sick, suffering, neglected and abandoned.  By doing this, we will be able to fulfill the mission that we received in our baptism that is to bear witness to Christ in our lives by serving those who are in need.


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