It is a simple effort to carry on the evangelization using the cyber. Let us grow closer to God by following the footsteps of Don Orione: Love for Christ, Church, Mother Mary and Souls.
Making decisions is often hard, and making good decisions quickly is even harder. Accordingly, many people struggle when it comes to making big life-alternating decisions, such as which college to go to or what career path to pursue. Furthermore, some people also struggle with other types of decisions, from somewhat important decisions, such as which laptop to buy, to relatively trivial decisions, such as what to eat for lunch. In addition, some people do manage to make decisions, but struggle when it comes to making decisions that are good for them, or when it comes to making good decisions in a timely manner. This can be either an issue for them in general, or something that they struggle with when it comes to a specific area of life, such as their finances, their hobbies, or their relationships.
“And Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel to Shechem, and summoned the elders of Israel, their heads, their judges, and their officers. And all the people stood before the Lord. He said to them; As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD ” Choosing is a process. It requires the reflection on life, personal decision and the facing of the consequences of their choice. The choice requiresa time of reckoning and reflection on our personal life .Joshua begins by recounting the journey of the Israelites, from their delivery from Egypt to their conquest of the Promised Land. This is a time of reflection, a moment to acknowledge the faithfulness of God and the challenges they have faced. Joshua asks the people to choose between serving idols or serving the Lord. It is a matter of life and death. The choice they make will determine the course of their nation and their individual lives. The choice calls fora personal decision. Joshua's challenge is not just for the Israelites as a nation; it is a personal call to each individual. He asks them to choose for themselves, their families, and their households. This is a powerful reminder that our faith is not just a communal experience; it is a deeply personal one. Joshua lays out the consequences of their choice. If they choose to serve idols, they will be cursed. Their land will become barren, and they will be scattered among the nations. On the other hand, if they choose to serve the Lord, they will be blessed. Their land will be fruitful, and they will prosper. This is a stark contrast. It is a reminder that our choices have real and lasting consequences. It is not enough to simply drift along; we must actively choose the Lord and live according to his ways.
Choosing Christ is not an easy thing. It is a choice that requires courage, commitment, and a willingness to follow him no matter the cost. “Submit yourselves to one another out of reverence for Christ.” -Eph 5:21-32. Making choice requests your submission to the Lord.The passage begins witha call to mutual submission.We are to submit to one anotherout of reverence for Christ.
This is not about domination or control; it is abouta mutual respect and understanding For wives, submission is to be modeled after the Church's submissionto Christ. It is arecognition of the leadership role of the husband, not as a dictator,butas a servant leader who loves and protects his wife.For husbands, love is the key. Their love for their wives is to be modeled after Christ's love for the Church.It is a sacrificial love, a love that is willing to give of oneself without expecting anything in return. Choice costs YOUR SELF in order to find the mystery of unity. The image of Christ and the Church is a powerful one. It speaks of a deep and abiding unity, a unity that is rooted in love and shared purpose. Marriage is not merely a contract or a legal arrangement; it is a covenant, a sacred bond that unites two people in a way that is both profound and mysterious. Paul reminds us that Jesus nourishes us, the members of His Church of him, through the Eucharist, making us His own flesh and blood, as husband and wife become one flesh.
“Many of his disciples, when they heard this, said, 'This saying is hard; who can accept it?'” - Jn 6:60-69. Eucharist is the place where one can understand and learn to choose him . Jesus' words are indeed scandalous. They challenge our understanding of God, of Jesus, and of ourselves. How can we eat the flesh and drink the blood of another? This is not a metaphor; Jesus is speaking literally. The Eucharist is not merely a symbol; it is a real encounter with the living Christ. It is a participation in his life-giving sacrifice. Jesus' words are indeed scandalous. They challenge our understanding of God, of Jesus, and of ourselves. How can we eat the flesh and drink the blood of another? This is not a metaphor; Jesus is speaking literally. The Eucharist is not merely a symbol; it is a real encounter with the living Christ. It is a participation in his life-giving sacrifice. In the face of scandal and doubt, we are called to make a choice . We can choose to reject the Eucharist, to cling to our own understanding. Or we can choose to embrace the mystery, to trust in God's love, and to receive the gift of eternal life. The offense of the cross lies at the heart of the scandal of the Eucharist. Jesus' death on the cross was a shocking and scandalous event. It challenged the religious and political authorities of his time, and it continues to challenge us today. The Eucharist is a proclamation of the cross. It is a reminder that God's love for us is so great that he was willing to die for our sins. It is a call to embrace the cross as a symbol of hope and new life. Jesus promises that those who eat his flesh and drink his blood will live forever. This is not merely a promise of life after death; it is a promise of abundant life now. It is a life filled with purpose, joy, and love. The Eucharist is a source of this eternal life . It is a nourishment for our souls, a strength for our spirits. It is a reminder that we are not alone; we are connected to the life of God.
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