The Feast of the Holy Tinity


Holy Trinity is Mystery: The Holy Trinity, whose feast we celebrate today, is beyond the reach of time and the grasp of human reasoning. It is a mystery of our faith. The mystery of the most Holy Trinity is a basic doctrine of Faith in Christianity, understandable not with our heads but with our hearts. It teaches us that there are three distinct Persons in one God, sharing the same Divine Nature, co-equal and co-eternal. 

Holy Trinity is Mystery of LoveGod is love. There are Three Persons in the Trinity, the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. Together they represent the fullness of love. The Father loves the Son, the Son loves the Father. The Holy Spirit is their love for each other. We are made in the image of a triune God. God the Father, who created us, his Son who saved us, and the Holy Spirit who continues to guide us. Our lives should reflect the Trinity. We should be always creative like the Father, compassionate like his Son, and dispose our talents in the service of others like the Holy Spirit.

Holy Trinity is the revelation of the mystery of God’s inner life (Unity in Trinity/ Diversity): The Trinity exemplifies the concept of unity in diversity, showcasing how three distinct persons can coexist in perfect harmony. As believers reflect on the Trinity, they are encouraged to cultivate unity, love, and respect within their own communities and relationships.


Iconnic and Rare Painting of Holy Trinity:
video on Trinity:


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