First reading today is speaking of the Blessing: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you’-Num 6:22-27.  Surely, as we start the New Year, our prayers would be today is to seek the blessing of God.

The greatest blessing that we have already received from God is Mother Mary as our mother as well as the Mother of God. What a great blessing that we received. The whole church and all of us are left under the protection and arms of our mother. She will surely guide us in our life through our life.

She received the blessing of God to be the Mother of the Jesus. Why did God bless her and her life became blessed? God blessed her and her life became blessed, because she led a life of:

Bondage Free Life: Mother Mary was never been slave to anything in her life. It is manifested in her life by word: “let it be don according to your word”- Lk 1:37-38. He always centred her life to do the will of God. The second reading reminds us that “You are no longer a slave, and if a son, then an heir through God” – Gal 4:4-7.

Loving life: She love Jesus so much and she accompanied him to death on cross – Jn 19:25. She took the part in the suffering of Christ. She supported Jesus in His ministry.

Eco-friendly life: first of all the birth of Jesus took place in the manger. The travel of Egypt to protect Jesus through nature among the hills and mountains – Mt 2:13-23. The nature has been very safe environment for her. God communicates to us through nature too.

Simple life: She leaved her life simple and hers was the happy life. Her simplicity and humility lead to give birth to Saviour and Lord. God likes simplicity. She was very obedient God and Family life. To lead a simple life, we need to do as Mary did; “Mary treasured up all things, pondering them in her heart” –Lk 2:16-21.

Sociable life: she was very social. She was concerned for the society. When Elizabeth needed help, she went in haste to her – Lk 1:39-56. She remained with her to help. She showed her concern for other.

Illuminating life: She bought light to people around her. She chased away the darkness. She carried Jesus to the people as she did to the Elizabeth – Lk 1:39-56.

Nourishing life: whoever goes to her, she nourishes them with Jesus. She brings everyone to Jesus. She performs miracles to lead people to Jesus. Her aim is to nourish people with Jesus who brings life to People.

God-fearing life: Mary was God-fearing mother. She always respected God. She was thankful to God for his blessing upon her through magnificat –Lk 1:46-55. She acknowledged her humble background and God’s work in his life.


If we lead the life of BLESSING, as Mary did.  There is no doubt that we will have a prosperous, happy and peaceful life with Jesus (God saves).


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